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Adoption/Foster to Adopt Application
The answers you give on the application will help us find the best possible match between you and the Great Pyrenees available through NorthStar Great Pyrenees Rescue of MN (hereafter known as NSGPR). We will hold your application until we have a Great Pyrenees that we feel will be a good match for you based on your criteria and ours. This process can take days or several months. All our available dogs are posted on
and our website
Prior to placement of any Great Pyr, a NSGPR member will conduct a site visit and fence check. You may be asked to make modifications to your home or with your fencing to safely accommodate a dog. A follow-up check will be made if modifications were needed.
In checking veterinary references, if it is found that you have not kept up-to-date with vaccinations, annual heart worm tests and preventative medication, or that you are not willing to spay or neuter your current pets for reasons other than medical, you may be denied adoption.
Other potential adopters may be looking at the same dog you are, so please let us know if you want to pursue adoption as soon as possible.
Filing of this application in no way guarantees your adoption of a Great Pyrenees from the NorthStar Great Pyrenees Rescue of MN.
Indicates required field
Choose one
Adoption Only
Foster to Adopt
Additional Name (if couple)
Phone Number
Additional Phone Number
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
List both if a couple.
Two personal references
Name, phone, email and relationship. One must be a non-relative.
Do you have a regular veterinarian?
If yes, please provide the name, address and phone number of your veterinarian.
If no, what are your plans for veterinary care?
Do you give vaccinations yearly or as recommended by your vet (such as rabies every 3 years, etc.)?
Not applicable
Do you do annual heartworm testing and give heartworm preventative (provided by NorthStar if fostering) as recommended by your vet?
Not applicable
What sex would you prefer to adopt?
No preference
What age would you prefer to adopt? Check all that apply.
No preference
Would you be willing to consider a suitable dog of different sex or age?
Are you interested in a specific dog?
If yes, please provide the name of the dog.
List all plans for this dog:
Are there regular visitors to your home (human and animal), with which your new dog must get along?
If other, please specify.
If yes, please describe.
If dogs, list breed and sex and whether spayed/neutered.
Have you owned a Great Pyrenees before?
If not, why did you choose this breed?
Do you understand that Great Pyrenees shed year round and must be groomed regularly? Were trained to bark and cannot be trained otherwise? Were used to patrol large territories guarding flocks and must be keep within secure, visible fencing or on leash at all times when outdoors? May have a “wet” mouth and drool? May dig in your yard to make a cool place to lay in the heat? Would any of these characteristics cause a problem? If so, which one(s)?
Do you own or rent your home?
If other, please explain.
If your rent, do you have your landlord's permission to keep a dog?
Landlord's name and phone number.
Type of home
How many adults in the household?
How many children in the household?
Age and sex of children:
Do the children have experience with large breed dogs?
What will you do to ensure that your children or visiting children will NOT open a door or gate, allowing the dog to escape?
Are there regular visitors to your home (human and animal), with which your new dog must get along?
If yes, please describe.
If dogs, list breed, sex, and whether spayed/neutered.
Secure, visible fencing is almost always required to adopt a Great Pyrenees.
Do you have a fenced yard?
List fence type and height.
Does fencing completely enclose the yard for the dog?
Do you own other dogs?
If you own other dogs, are they spayed/neutered?
If you own other dogs, give breed, sex and age of each.
Do you own cats?
If yes, how many?
Do you own other animals?
If you currently have other pets, do any of them have characteristics that we should be aware of?
Very playful
Food aggressive
If other, please describe.
How many dogs have you owned in the last 5 years?
Give the breed and list if you still own the dog(s).
If you do not still own the dog(s), what happened to the dog(s)?
Be specific.
Have you ever had a pet die at an early age or due to an accident? If yes, please fully elaborate.
Have you ever had to give up a dog to a shelter, humane society, rescue group or friend? If yes, please elaborate.
Where will the dog spend the day?
Fenced yard
Kennel run
If other, please describe.
Where will the dog spend the night?
Fenced yard
Kennel run
If other, please describe.
How many hours, on the average, will the dog spend alone?
Are you able to financially provide emergency medical care for your dog if the need arises?
Who will care for your dog if you are out of town?
What is your definition and method of disciplining a dog? Please explain.
Do you understand that rescued Great Pyrenees will need time to adjust to their new families and it could take weeks or months for the dog to adjust?
What would you consider unacceptable behavior that would cause you to give up your dog?
Would you be willing to work with a behaviorist to prevent return of the dog?
Are you willing to house train a dog if necessary?
What would you do if your dog got away or lost? Please explain.
If you are interested in
Foster to Adopt
, please answer the following questions, and acknowledge the
statements of agreement and understanding
Can the rescue dog be isolated from other dogs if necessary?
Describe why you can evaluate a rescue dog for temperament, training, socialization, and placement.
Please read and acknowledge the statements of agreement and understanding.
The foster individual(s) acknowledge(s) the purposes and aims of the Rescue Program and recognizes the reasonable interest in assuring the proper and humane treatment of the Great Pyrenees rescue dog during temporary placement with the foster home. The foster individual(s) represent(s) that no member of the family has been charged with cruelty to animals and agree(s) to accept the following conditions and restrictions in order to be eligible to provide a foster home for a Great Pyrenees rescue dog.
The foster home will keep the Great Pyrenees rescue dog indoors. It will not be tied to a doghouse or to a chain, nor left unsupervised in a yard where the dog can dig or climb out.
The foster home will provide the Great Pyrenees rescue dog with a fenced yard and/or will walk the dog on a leash daily. At no time will any Great Pyrenees rescue dog be allowed to run loose while unattended.
The foster individual(s), when away from home for over a 24 hour period, will advise the rescue chair, so that alternative arrangements can be made for the Great Pyrenees rescue dog.
The foster home acknowledges that their residence, if rented, permits pets pursuant to the lease, or by special permission of the landlord or resident manager.
The Great Pyrenees rescue dog will never be attack- or guard-trained or used as a property guard dog. Further, this dog will not be used in any aspect of dog/animal fighting.
The foster family will provide the Great Pyrenees rescue dog with all the care and attention necessary to ensure its health and well being. This will include providing sufficient food, water, exercise, and competent veterinary care to include transportation to and from a veterinary clinic, annual vaccinations, deworming, prompt veterinary care in the event of illness or injury and heartworm/flea and tick preventative. The foster home will give the rescue chair receipts for all medical expenses and will maintain the medical expense log for any rescue dogs in their care in order to be reimbursed for said expenses. NSGPR reimburses all medical expenses; however, all such expenses (except for emergency situations) must be approved in advance by the Rescue Chair or their designee. This is our biggest expense, and we have established a rescue discount with local veterinary clinics. If possible we would ask that any vetting take place at these clinics, however, we recognize that is not always possible due to time and distance. The foster individual(s) will notify the rescue chair immediately of the Great Pyrenees rescue dog's death and/or serious illness.
The Great Pyrenees rescue dog will not be abused in any manner. The Great Pyrenees rescue dog will not be beaten or otherwise treated cruelly, and will not be the subject of, or subjected to any biological, chemical, psychological, or other experiment.
In the event the Great Pyrenees rescue dog is lost or stolen, the foster individual (s) will contact the rescue chair immediately and make all reasonable attempts to locate the animal.
The foster individual(s) shall not give, lease, or otherwise transfer custody of the Great Pyrenees rescue dog to any other person, or to any business or organization, except to return the dog to the Rescue Program.
The foster individual(s) will promptly notify the rescue chair of all and any changes in residence, mailing address, and/or telephone number.
The foster individual(s) must notify the rescue chair within 12 hours of any bite by the Great Pyrenees from NSGPR inflicted on a human or another animal.
The foster individual(s) recognize(s) the need to ensure that the Great Pyrenees rescue dog is receiving proper and humane care, and agrees to allow inspection of the foster home and the conditions in which the Great Pyrenees rescue dog is living, at any reasonable time by a representative of the Rescue Program.
The foster individual(s) agree(s) to immediately surrender custody of the Great Pyrenees rescue dog to a rescue representative upon demand. The foster individual(s) agree(s) that the foster individual(s) has/have no legal ownership and will not obtain any legal rights to the Great Pyrenees rescue dog in their care unless they formally adopt their foster dog.
The foster individual(s) recognize(s) that although the Rescue Program has made reasonable efforts to provide a Great Pyrenees rescue dog which is compatible with the foster individual's environment, the foster home agrees that the Rescue Program does not warrant the temperament or behavior of the Great Pyrenees rescue dog and that the Rescue Program is not to be held liable for any acts of the Great Pyrenees rescue dog while living with the foster individual(s). The foster family agrees to notify the rescue chair immediately if they believe the temperament or behavior of the Great Pyrenees rescue dog is incompatible with the foster home environment.
The foster individual(s) state(s) that they have reasonable knowledge about the proper care of dogs and more specifically, Great Pyrenees. The foster home agrees to be responsible for the proper supervision of the rescue dog in their possession. Should the Rescue Program suffer any damages or legal costs as a result of the negligent supervision of the rescue dog in the foster home's care, the foster individual(s) agree(s) to indemnify the Rescue Program for all such damages and costs.
The foster individual(s) acknowledge(s) that the purpose of the Rescue Program in establishing the conditions in this agreement is to safeguard the health and well-being of the Great Pyrenees rescue dog, to protect the Great Pyrenees rescue dog against neglect, abuse and cruelty and to temporarily house a Great Pyrenees rescue dog until a permanent home is found. The foster individual(s) enter(s) into this Agreement freely and with knowledge.
In consideration of the Rescue program, I/we agree to assume full responsibility for the conduct of the Great Pyrenees rescue dog during their foster care stay with me/us. I/we further agree to hold harmless NorthStar Great Pyrenees Rescue of MN, our Great Pyrenees Rescue representative, and any other individuals associated with the Rescue Program and to indemnify such organizations or individuals for any damages or costs resulting from liability, known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated, as a result of the rescue dog's conduct during their foster care stay with me/us.
As a NSGPR evaluator and foster care provider, I agree to and understand the following: I will represent and support the Rescue Program in a professional manner in all interactions with the public. I have read and acknowledge the statements of agreement and understanding.
I have read and acknowledge the statement of agreement and understanding.
Filing for this application in no way guarantees your adoption of a Great Pyrenees from the NorthStar Great Pyrenees Rescue of MN.